Who is Chris Taylor's wife, Mary Keller? A glimpse into personal life of LA Dodgers standout

Posted by Trudie Dory on Friday, May 31, 2024

Chris Taylor plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Following the first All-Star season of his career, he re-signed with the Dodgers on a four-year deal for $60 million with a team option to make it worth up to $73 million.

In 2022, Chris Taylor married Mary Keller, the love of his life. Keller is a media and entertainment associate at Russ August & Kabat in Los Angeles.

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On Feb. 4, 1992, Mary was born to Cynthia Ichiriu and Bruce in Hawaii. Bruce and Cynthia are dentists and operate the Kaneohe Family Dental Care, Inc.

At the age of 10, Mary Keller made her stage debut as a concert violinist with the Honolulu Symphony.

Keller studied at Columbia University, where she earned a BA in psychology in 2012, a year early. She served as concertmaster of the orchestra at Columbia University.

While obtaining her Juris Doctor at the University of Southern California in 2017, she relocated to California. She finished her LLM in international business, commerce and tax law at the Universite Jean Moulin (Lyon III) in France in 2016.

In 2015, she served as a judicial intern at the District of Hawaii's US District Court. She also worked as a summer associate at a legal office in Los Angeles. Mary Keller began working as a civil litigation associate at LTL Attorney in Los Angeles not long after receiving her JD.

A look at Chris Taylor's career with Los Angeles Dodgers

The Los Angeles Dodgers signed Chris Taylor from the Seattle Mariners on June 19, 2016, in exchange for Zach Lee.

Taylor was sent to Oklahoma City to start the season after failing to make the team out of spring training in 2017. He led the National League with 178 strikeouts in his third season with the Dodgers, with a slash line of.254/.331/.444 with 17 home runs, 63 RBIs and nine stolen bases in 604 plate appearances.

Taylor was chosen on September 10 to represent the MLB in the 2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series. In the 2018 NLDS, he only had one hit in four at-bats throughout the postseason, but it was a home run. He had eight hits in 22 at-bats during the 2018 NLCS and two in 18 at-bats during the 2018 World Series.

Chris Taylor was chosen to make his first All-Star appearance for the Dodgers in the All-Star Game. Taylor re-signed with the Dodgers on a four-year, $60 million contract that included a team option for an additional year.

Taylor played 118 times for the Dodgers in 2022, mostly in the outfield, and batted .221 with 10 home runs and 43 RBIs.

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